

I am constantly looking and trying to find a job! It's so frustrating. I am trying to have patience and trust that the right job will come along and happen at the right time. Here's to being patient!


New Year, New Beginnings

Yes, a rather cliche title but I feel that it is quite true. I am a week away from taking the GRE, a day away from starting 3 psychology classes and filled with excitement of what 2011 will bring.

I am still coaching and loving it. The girls bring me so much joy and a sense of accomplishment. The GRE and classes are one step closer to discovering if the psychology route is for me and if grad school is truly in my cards. I am currently awaiting information on a possible new job and I just moved in with 6 of my best friends. Life is good. Actually, life is absolutely wonderful. My new years resolution is to write once a week. About everything and anything.